Spiroid Gearing is ideal for many robotic applications.

For more than 40 years, we've provided component critical gearing solutions for robotic applications. Key features include:
  • Small Footprint 

  • Lightweight 

  • High Torque 

  • High Stiffness & Load

  • Quiet Operation

From aerospace to robotics, our gears equip you with the most compact, highest torque and customizable solutions on the planet. It’s the perfect balance of efficiency, torque, and flexibility.

 Visit the technical library of case studies, whitepaper, and other support documentation to see if Spiroid can be leveraged in your application. CLICK for immediate access.

Visit our Frequently Asked Question section for common queries.

Our engineers are available anytime to answer any question.
Call (320) 762-7133 or submit an inquiry online.