In keeping with its desire to promote manufacturing as a viable career opportunity – and to drive local awareness about its businesses – ITW Heartland and Spiroid participated today in the 9th Grade Career Expo at the Alexandria Area High School. The intent of the Career Expo is to provide an opportunity for young high school students to explore various career avenues by interacting directly with a diverse set of local firms.

One of a handful of companies representing the manufacturing industry, Heartland shared part samples, application examples and general manufacturing knowledge while answering questions about its operations and business philosophies.

About Spiroid 

The Spiroid & Helicon gearing brands are comprised of a pinion and a face-gear operating in non-intersecting and non-parallel axes – often referred to as ‘skew axis’. Spiroid and Helicon are advantageous in that they broaden gearing design opportunities restricted by the physical limitations of conventional gearing. Spiroid and Helicon represent a powerful design alternative for engineers looking to transmit higher torques, within smaller spaces, at right angles. Spiroid and Helicon: maximum power density in a right angle gearing solution.